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Hot Rolled Seamless Pipe Mill
Hot Rolled Seamless Pipe Mill
Hot Rolled Seamless Pipe Mill
Hot Rolled Seamless Pipe Mill
Hot Rolled Seamless Pipe Mill

Hot Rolled Seamless Pipe Mill

We are used to naming hot rolled seamless pipe mill in the form of pipe mill with mandrel forming process, such as MPM mill and Assel mill.




We are used to naming hot rolled seamless pipe mill in the form of pipe mill with mandrel forming process, such as MPM mill and Assel mill. According to the rolling features of pipe mill, there are two forms: continuous rolling mill and skew rolling mill. Continuous rolling mill can be divided into floating mandrel, limited mandrel and semi-floating mandrel according to mandrel operation mode, among which limited mandrel mill can be divided into two-roller (MPM) and three-roller (PQF) according to the number of rollers in the stand. According to the number of rollers, the skew rolling mill can be divided into two types: Assel rolling mill and Accu Roll mill.

Continuous rolling pipe mill is suitable for mass production of steel pipes, with high output, long rolled steel pipes (the length of waste pipes can exceed 30m), good and stable quality of inner and outer surfaces of products, high yield, wide specification range and large D/S (over 42), but its investment is large, there are many tools and spare parts, and it takes a long time to change specifications. Skew rolling mill is suitable for small batch and multi-variety steel pipe production, which has small investment, few tool spare parts, low tool consumption, flexible production and time saving for changing specifications, but low output, short rolled steel pipe (generally the length of waste pipe is less than 15m), unstable inner and outer surface quality, narrow specification range, small D/S (generally less than 40) and low yield.

Technology Flow

Pipe blank → Inspection → Grinding → Sawing → Heating → Piercing mill → Pipe rolling mill → Tension reducing → Cooling bed → Straightening → Pipe cutting → Hydrostatic test → Chamfering → Manual inspection → Weighing, measuring length and spraying labels → Packaging

